Boxing in The Hangar (Costa Mesa)
Fight Club OC, April 17th
- Air Time
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Victor Sydnor, Noel Cavazos, Jaime Cerna, Julian Baez, Andres Martinez ... More
Fight Club OC, October 24th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:45:38
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
Fight Club OC, August 29th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:08:28
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Jack May, David Rivera, Uriel Villanueva, Noel Cavazos, Jaime Cerna ... More
Fight Club OC, June 20th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 03:02:46
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Eduardo Sanchez, Adam Garcia, Dorian Mendez, Victor Toney, Jordan Panthen "The Patriot" ... More
Fight Club OC, February 15th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:06:14
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
Fight Club OC, December 14th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 04:59:46
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Daniel Hernandez, Andrzej Wawrzyk, Diuhl Olguin, Kubrat Pulev "The Cobra", Tervel Pulev ... More
Fight Club OC, October 26th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 03:30:32
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
Fight Club OC, June 8th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:17:22
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
Fight Club OC, April 13th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:52:24
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Michael Myers, Daniel Parker, Richard Sonny Robledo, Randy Sosa, DeMarcus Brown ... More
Fight Club OC, February 16th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:04:19
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
Fight Club OC, December 1st
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:15:19
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Curtis Millender, Lance Lee, Marcello Williams, Tayden Beltran, Antonio Garcia ... More
Fight Club OC, August 25th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:44:03
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Craig Wilkerson, Richard Sonny Robledo, Ernesto Mercado "Tito", Nicolas Pablo Demario, Jesikah Guerra ... More
Fight Club OC, April 14th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:23:26
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Johnny Robles, Michael Myers, Richard Sonny Robledo, Cain Sandoval, Jesus Gonzalez ... More
Fight Club OC, December 2nd
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:26:08
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Keith Carson, Cain Sandoval, Sonya Dreiling, Omar Cande, Andrew Segura ... More
Fight Club OC, November 11th
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:45:01
- Channel
- Fight Club OC
- Category
- Boxing, MMA
- Venue
- The Hangar (Costa Mesa), Costa Mesa, CA
- Profiles
- Vlad Panin "Super Bad", Uriel Villanueva, Steven Berry, Richard Sonny Robledo, Issac Luna ... More