Paradigm Pro Wrestling
Paradigm Pro Wrestling from United States
- Air Time
- Duration
- 02:31:50
- Channel
- Paradigm Pro Wrestling
- Category
- Pro Wrestling
- Venue
- Irving Theater, Indianapolis, IN
Paradigm Pro Wrestling: Magnum Opus #8
- Air Time
- Duration
- 01:06:06
- Channel
- Paradigm Pro Wrestling
- Category
- Pro Wrestling
- Venue
- The Arena, Jeffersonville, IN
- Air Time
- Duration
- 57:18
- Channel
- Paradigm Pro Wrestling
- Category
- Pro Wrestling
- Venue
- The Arena, Jeffersonville, IN
- Air Time
- Duration
- 01:10:04
- Channel
- Paradigm Pro Wrestling
- Category
- Pro Wrestling
- Venue
- The Arena, Jeffersonville, IN
- Air Time
- Duration
- 01:15:51
- Channel
- Paradigm Pro Wrestling
- Category
- Pro Wrestling
- Venue
- The Arena, Jeffersonville, IN